Isnin, 4 Jun 2012

E-DAY #1

hi all,

18 days before the date..

~ Hantarans ~

For tunang, hantarans will be 11 vs 9...huhu.byk kan..but nikah nanti angka tu akan berkurangan..don't worry..cukup la kan...kalo tak, ibu kata, kalo ikt adat perak lagi bannnnnyyyaakkkk, leh imagine tak I punya perkataan baannnnnnyyyaakkkk tu...sbb kalo di perak, byk bagi makanan or manisan..time sepupu I dulu nak dekat 20 hantaran k..ko mampu??hahaha...well, this is my time...I tak nak byk2 gitu..sewa for dulang hantaran for bertambah, ok.. oo..for hantarans I upah Rezo Collection for gubahan.. Actually, dorang ni baru lagi, but I suke design mereka..look fresh, and the most important thing, the price is reasonable..I sewa sekali dengan main color is purple for, xtau macam mana bentuk hantaran tu nanti..will reveal soon ok.. this is some of hantarans yang I suka dan minat sesangat..

from Gubahan hantaran tinaju- guna artificial flowers

 from Hariz&team wedding services
 source from google
 from arma couture
 source from google
from weddings by sher

Ada banyak lagi sebenarnya..dah rambang mata..hehe..semuanya cantik..well,my hantarans will reveal soon...after majlis k..

see u then... (",)

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